Sweet Expansion



Due to the large demand for “all things sweet,” we recently expanded our 2 kitchens & inaugurated a new Pastry Kitchen!  The new expansion increases the workspace available for preparing gourmet and home-style treats by 50%.  The new kitchen provided an opportunity to invest in new equipment and a totally separate area for delicate temperature-controlled sweets.

Confectionary Kitchen






Tamra Kirk joined us last month as “Director of All Things Sweet.”  Originally from Brooklyn, she impressed us so much when she came in one day with these….



 Director of All Things Sweet

She’s working with Chef Edward to change up the dessert menu more frequently. Look for her creations daily when coming into the store or by asking for a special order.  You might find this…




Or this…


  And This…


  Even this…




  We hope these photos got your mouth watering! We’re always working hard to create exciting new desserts, trying fresh ideas in the kitchen, and always experimenting with new inspirations. 

Call us to discuss your own inspiration for Catering Orders!