We’re Taking the $5 Slow Food Challenge!


We are taking back the ‘value meal’ by providing a slow food meal that costs NO MORE THAN $5 PER PERSON.


Friday,September 16, 2011 beginning at 12:00 Noon


Because Slow Food shouldn’t have to cost more than fast food.  We’re sending a message that too many people live in communities where it’s harder to buy fruit than Froot Loops.


“Slowwww Vegetable Lasagna”

* Roasted Local Vegetables

* NY State Goat Cheese Bechamel

* Rapini Pasta

* Sauce of fresh jersey Tomatoes, Marjoram, & Basil

The campaign’s been picked up by Time, ABC News, The Washington Post, The Chicago Tribune and 240 other outlets. There are 234 events registered, and over 4,700 people have pledged to share a $5 meal with friends and family.

There’s a powerful story developing about people all over the country coming together to share simple meals and talk about what we can do — in our kitchens, in our communities, and as a country — to make good food a reality for everyone.

Join us at both Certe’ and Pizza by Certe’.

Check out www.slowfoodusa.org for more information on how you can help.